If you need most of an XRef to be highlighted one color, but also need several layers to be their original colors and/or several layers to be a different highlighted color - there is a very easy way to do this:
Highlight the whole XRef to be the color that most layers will be, say cyan.
Click on a layer in the XRef Manager that you want to be original or highlighted a different color, say light magenta - toggle on By Layer and then change to Original / Light Magenta.
Right click on that layer in the XRef Manager and select Copy Highlight Settings - then select another layer - OR hold Control and then select any additional layers - then right click on one of the selected layers and click Paste Highlight Settings.
Wow - who knew it could be this easy? Thank you Josh, for getting me looking at this.
Highlight the whole XRef to be the color that most layers will be, say cyan.
Click on a layer in the XRef Manager that you want to be original or highlighted a different color, say light magenta - toggle on By Layer and then change to Original / Light Magenta.
Right click on that layer in the XRef Manager and select Copy Highlight Settings - then select another layer - OR hold Control and then select any additional layers - then right click on one of the selected layers and click Paste Highlight Settings.
Wow - who knew it could be this easy? Thank you Josh, for getting me looking at this.
Joseph Baron, joshhuggins likes this