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#83203 by Bob Kreger
Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:38 pm
I have forgotten where the one simple key-stroke is
which allows me to rotate text to any angle
and not snap back to orthagonal oreintations.
Thanks in advance...
#83204 by ORWoody
Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:20 pm
I don't recall the key that you mention, but I've modified my keys so much that if there was a single key that rotated text, I can't remember it.

What I did do was add a couple of alias commands to my dcadwin.dca file. One command rotated the text angle to match an identified line. The other command rotated the text angle back to zero.

comment=Set text angle to match line

comment=Set text reset to zero

Something to note is that before ta is invoked, I first place the cursor over the desired line so that the $ selects it automatically. Because of that, there is a ghost text cursor, but when the cursor is moved, the ghost disappears. Also... the line selected might actually be 180 degrees from what is desired. This isn't a problem with the alias, but is just related to the direction that the line was originally drawn and the automatic acceptance.
I hope this helps. Good luck.
#83209 by David Porter
Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:19 pm
Go to the Text Menu and then Angle. At the bottom of the Angle menu (S7) is a function called "match." Click on Match. You can match the text angle to two points you can snap to along an angled line and that will adjust the text angle.

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